Prone Incline Bicep Curl [With Best Other Variations]

Looking to pack on some serious upper arm muscle? Look no further than the Prone Incline Bicep Curl Also known as Spider Curls this exercise is a highly effective exercise for those seeking to build bicep strength and mass.

Our guide will take you through all the ins and outs of this killer workout: from its benefits, optimal form and technique, and common pitfalls to avoid along the way.

With our thorough rundown, you’ll be well-equipped to incorporate this dynamic lift into your own routine – so that you can see real results in your muscle gains!

Exercise Details:

Also CalledSpider Curl
Exercise TypeStrength
Body PartUpper Body, Arms, Triceps
Main TargetsBiceps brachii
Secondary TargetsBrachioradialis, Brachialis, Forearms, Wrist Flexors, Rectus Abdominis.
Force TypePull
Equipment RequiredIncline Bench, Barbell, EZ Bar, or a pair of Dumbbells
Rest Time2-3 minute

Related Exercise: How To Do Bent Over Concentration Curl?

What Is The Prone Incline Bicep Curl?

The Prone Incline Bicep Curl is a workout that isolates the biceps, designed to be conducted with the aid of a bench set at precisely a 45-degree angle. Lying down stomach-first on the bench is mandatory in this activity.

This exercise requires you to lift dumbbells while keeping arms extended in front of them and offers an extreme level of difficulty which needs optimum focus, command, and appropriate position for precise execution

We’re looking to isolate the biceps as much as possible since the spider curl AKA  prone incline bicep curl is really a concentration curl supported by the chest.

For the duration of each set, you must maintain your upper arm horizontal to the ground. As a result, the curling motion will be virtually entirely driven by the biceps.

How To Do Prone Incline Bicep Curl Correctly?

Performing the Prone Incline Bicep Curl exercise involves a total of 5 easy steps:

  1. Firstly, adjust the incline bench to a 45-degree angle and assume position lying face down on it. Your chest must rest on the pad while your arms stay straight down towards the floor.
  2. Secondly, grasp a dumbbell in each hand using an underhand grip such that your palms are facing up while hanging directly below you (let your arms hang straight down towards the floor as you engage your biceps)
  3. Now, slowly curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders while keeping your elbows close to your body and wrists straight.
  4. Remember to pause for a second at the top of the curl and squeeze your biceps before lowering the weights back down to the starting position.
  5. Repeat this movement for the desired amount of reps.

How many sets and reps should you do?

When it comes to determining the number of sets and reps for a spider curl, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

The recommended approach is, to begin with three sets of eight to twelve repetitions. However, keep in mind that this can vary depending on your fitness goals, experience level, and physical capabilities.

To better understand how many sets and reps you should perform during spider curls, start by considering your current fitness level.

Exercise Tips:

  • Start with a lightweight:

    If you’re a beginner, prone incline curls might feel daunting. Therefore, it’s crucial to start with a lighter weight before progressing to something more intense.

    Gradually working your way up in terms of weights is the best approach for keeping yourself safe and injury-free as you start with this exercise.

    Starting slowly can also be beneficial for ensuring that your form is correct at every step of the process.

  • Control the weight:

    Make sure to always prioritize a controlled movement when lifting weights rather than relying on momentum to lift it, and also, remember that patience is key when trying to achieve great results in physical fitness training programs.

    By doing this, you will focus more effectively on controlling the entire range of motion for maximum effectiveness

  • Breathe properly:

    It is imperative to keep in mind the importance of breathing during exercise. You should make an effort not to neglect this aspect of your routine, as it plays a vital role in the effectiveness of your workout.

    As you lower the weight, take a deep inhale, and as you lift it, release that breath with a controlled exhale.

Muscles Worked During The Dumbbell Prone Incline Curl

Image Showing Muscle Worked During Prone Incline Bicep Curls

When performing the incline-prone curl either with dumbells or a barbell, it is important to understand that this exercise primarily targets the short head of the biceps.

However, there are other muscles that work together to assist the primary muscle group and provide stabilization for the movement.

These synergist muscles involved in this exercise include the brachialis, brachioradialis, wrist flexors, obliques, and rectus abdominis.

Wanting to emphasize the long head? you can choose to curl with your elbows back behind. This variation places more emphasis on your outer bicep and will help build a pronounced peak.

For those looking to work on overall width and bulkiness in their arms, curling with your elbows in front of your body during spider curls may be more suitable.

What Are The Benefits Of Performing The Prone Incline Dumbbell Curl?

The prone incline bicep curl is a versatile weightlifting exercise that has numerous benefits. Not only does it aid in achieving thicker-looking biceps.

But it also plays a crucial role in increasing general upper-body strength making it an excellent foundation for other weightlifting exercises.

To provide more substance to the point, let’s dive deeper into some of the specific advantages of prone incline dumbbell curls:

1. Plateau breaker:

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your workout routine and seeing no progress with your bicep gains?

The incline db curl could be the solution you’ve been looking for, by incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can garner greater results than doing the same old exercises repeatedly.

2. Correct Strength Imbalances:

One particular advantage of this exercise is its ability to correct any strength imbalances that exist between each arm. 

By targeting each arm individually, you are giving yourself the chance to focus on any discrepancies or weaknesses that may exist between them. This not only prevents further imbalance but also leads to a more evenly sculpted physique overall.

3. Increased Range of Motion

The Prone Incline Bicep Curl is a highly effective exercise for those looking to increase the range of motion in their biceps.

When compared to other bicep exercises, this particular curl allows you to fully extend your arms in front of you, which can lead to greater flexibility and more complete stretching of the biceps at the bottom of the movement.

Additionally, by fully contracting at the top of each rep, you’ll be able to build strong and defined muscles.

Prone Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl Alternatives

When it comes to performing the prone incline spider curl exercise with dumbbells, there are a variety of options at your disposal.

One such option is to modify the exercise to accommodate your fitness level and personal needs.

For instance, if you’re new to this particular move, several modifications can be made to make it easier for you. These could include using lighter weights or attempting the spider curl with one dumbbell.

1. Dumbbell Reverse Spider Curl

For those who have been lifting for a while and are seeking more intense variations of exercises that engage different bicep muscles, the dumbbell reverse spider curl could be worth trying.

By using weights that challenge you, this exercise can become more difficult than standard spider curls, targeting new fibers in your biceps

2. Cross Body Dumbbell Spider Curl

Cross Body Spider Curl Image

The Cross Body Dumbbell Spider Curl is a fantastic way to target your biceps from a completely different angle.

This exercise is considered a variation of the Prone Incline Dumbbell Curl and has gained popularity among gym-goers due to its effectiveness.

Before starting the exercise, you will need to place yourself on the bench with your chest against the pad and arms hanging down towards the floor.

While doing this exercise, you should curl one dumbbell at a time upward and toward your opposite shoulder.

3. Preacher Curl

Standing Preacher Curls Image

When it comes to building bigger biceps, one exercise that is often overlooked is the preacher curl.

This particular variation of theprone incline bicep curl specifically targets the biceps with greater isolation.

However, performing a preacher curl requires different equipment from a traditional dumbbell curl. You’ll need access to a preacher bench in order to proceed.

The position for this exercise is quite simple. You’ll put the back of your upper arms on top of the pad with your palms facing up.

4. Hammer Curl

Hammer Curl Image

When it comes to building your arm muscles, the Hammer Curl can be an excellent addition to your exercise routine.

While the Prone Incline Dumbbell Curl mainly targets the biceps, this variation will also help you work on your brachialis and brachioradialis muscles,  helping you create a well-rounded arm workout and upper body strength program.

You can mix this exercise with a reverse bicep dumbbell curl to target your forearms in one session.

5. Barbell Spider Curl

If you’re looking to step up your Spider Curl game, then give the Barbell variation a try! Revolving around using a barbell rather than dumbbells, this exercise is designed specifically to target and develop the biceps in an effective manner.

The starting position involves laying face down on an inclined bench while holding onto the underhand-gripped barbell, which should be hanging directly downward from both arms.


Is the Prone Incline Bicep Curl suitable for beginners?

For newbies just venturing into fitness, the Prone Incline Bicep Curl can be a helpful exercise, Nevertheless, concentrating on proper form and going slow and steady with a conservative weight is critical in advancing from beginner to intermediate-level exercises.

One can fall fast into the trap of increasing the weight too quickly, sacrificing technique and therefore strength growth.

The Verdict:

The Prone Incline Bicep Curl is a fantastic way to isolate and develop the biceps brachii muscle in a precise manner.

Not only does it use a different range of motion than traditional bicep exercises, but it also utilizes gravity as its resistance, allowing for an intense workout.

If you’re trying to achieve stronger and more defined biceps, incorporating this exercise into your routine can yield impressive results. Be sure to focus on proper technique and avoid any movements that cause discomfort.

Note: It’s imperative to consult a certified personal trainer or medical professional before making any changes or starting a new workout regime. They’ll be able to help tailor your exercises according to your fitness level and individual requirements


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Hassane Sghir
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