Preacher Curl Vs Spider Curl (Which Is Better For The Biceps Peak)

There are several workouts that can be done to build up the biceps, Two popular exercises are the preacher curl and the spider curl.

Although they both work the biceps, the two exercises differ in terms of technique and the muscles they engage.

in this blog post, We’ll discuss the differences between the preacher curl vs spider curl as well as which exercise is ideal for beginners and for building strength and size. We will also discuss the benefits of each exercise.

Related Comparison: Preacher Curl Vs Hammer Curl: What’s The Difference?

What is Preacher Curl?

The preacher curl is an exercise that targets the biceps. It is done using a preacher bench, which is a bench that has a pad to support the arms and a barbell or dumbbell to lift.

The preacher bench allows for strict movement, which isolates the biceps and reduces the involvement of other muscles. 

This exercise is done by sitting on the bench, placing the arms on the pad, and lifting the weight towards the chest.

What is Spider Curl?

The spider curl is another exercise that targets the biceps. It is done on an incline bench with a 45-degree inclination.

The spider curl is done by lying face down on the bench, with the arms hanging over the edge of the bench. The weight is lifted towards the chest, with the elbows remaining in a fixed position.

Benefits of Preacher Curl:

  • Isolates the biceps: The preacher curl allows for a strict movement, which isolates the biceps and reduces the involvement of other muscles. This can help to build overall bicep strength.
  • Targets the long head of the bicep: The preacher curl targets the long head of the bicep, which is the largest and most visible part of the bicep. This can lead to greater overall bicep size.
  • Allows for heavier weights to be lifted: The strict movement of the preacher curl allows for heavier weights to be lifted, which can lead to greater overall bicep strength.

Benefits of Spider Curl:

  • Targets the short head of the bicep which gives the bicep its peak. This can lead to a more pronounced peak in the bicep.
  • Can be done with lighter weights: The spider curl can be done with lighter weights, which can be beneficial for beginners or those with injuries.
  • Reduces strain on the wrists: The fixed position of the elbows in the spider curl can reduce strain on the wrists, which can be beneficial for those with wrist injuries.

Preacher Curl Vs Spider Curl: Which is Better For Strength and Size?

Both the preacher curl and the spider curl are effective exercises for building strength and size in the biceps. However, the preacher curl is generally considered to be better for building overall bicep strength, while the spider curl is better for targeting the peak of the bicep.

The preacher curl allows for strict movement, which isolates the biceps and reduces the involvement of other muscles.

This strict movement allows you to lift heavier weights, which can lead to greater overall bicep strength. The preacher curl also targets the long head of the bicep, which is the largest and most visible part of the bicep.

The spider curl, on the other hand, targets the short head, which will increase the peak of the bicep. By keeping the elbows fixed and lifting the weight towards the chest, the spider curl places more emphasis on the short head of the bicep. This can lead to a more pronounced peak in the bicep.

Spider Curl Vs Preacher Curl: Which is Better For Beginners

For beginners, the preacher curl may be a better exercise to start with, as it allows for strict movement and reduces the involvement of other muscles.

This can help newbies in concentrating on good form and technique, which is crucial for developing bicep muscle mass and development.

Should you do Preacher Curls Or Spider Curls Or both?

Both exercises are beneficial because they emphasize parts of the lifting motion. Spider curls provide a stronger pump by emphasizing the contracted section of the curling.

Preacher curls, on the other hand, produce an even better bicep stretch since they concentrate on the eccentric phase of the rep.

By performing both exercises, you will naturally engage a wider variety of muscle fibers and provide a more strong stimulus for growth.

You may also want to learn the difference between a preacher curl and a barbell curl and discover other techniques for growing your biceps


Both the preacher curl vs spider curl are effective exercises for building the bicep’s strength and size.

The preacher curl is generally considered to be better for building overall bicep strength, while the spider curl is better for targeting the peak of the bicep.

I truly hope that you enjoyed our spider curls versus preacher curls comparison. As you can see, the two workouts have their benefits and can be incorporated into a bicep workout program, but in the end, preacher curls wins out.

Hassane Sghir
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