Lying Cable Curl: How to Perform, Benefits, and Variations

Resistance training enthusiasts often include the Lying Cable Curl in their workouts as it targets the biceps. Strength and conditioning programs typically include this bicep isolation exercise for bodybuilding, powerlifting, and general fitness enthusiasts.

What Is The Lying Cable Curl Exercise?

The Lying Cable Curl is a variation of a traditional bicep with a cable machine and may be considered an altered version of the regular bicep curl.

During this exercise,  you curl the weight towards your chest. you do this by lying on a bench and pulling a cable towards your body with both hands.

Lying Bicep Cable Curl Benefits

The cable curl in a lying position is an exercise that offers many benefits to the body and is highly recommended:

  • Increased bicep activation: The Lying Cable Curl targets the biceps more effectively than many other bicep exercises.
  • Improved muscle balance: The exercise engages both biceps evenly, helping to correct muscle imbalances.
  • Better overall arm development: The Lying Cable Curl also works the forearms, brachialis, and brachioradialis, resulting in better overall arm development.

Muscles Worked During Lying Cable Curl

Image Showing Muscles Worked During Lying Cable Bicep Curl

Primary Muscles: Lying Cable Curl mainly works the biceps brachii muscle. This muscle is responsible for the flexion of the elbow joint and adjustment of the forearm inwards to the upper arm.

Secondary Muscles: The brachialis and the brachioradialis.

How to Perform Lying Cable Curl In A Proper Form?

Equipment Required:

To perform Lying Cable Curl, you will need the following equipment:

  • Cable machine
  • Flat bench
  • Cable handle

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Set up the cable machine: Start by attaching the cable handle to the machine at the lowest setting. Lie on the bench facing upwards and place your feet flat on the ground.
  2. Grasp the handle: Securely grasp the handle using both of your hands while maintaining an upward-facing palm orientation.
  3. Get started on exercising: Initiate with the complete extension of both arms followed by pulling on a cable towards the chest region which should result in bicep contraction once you reach the peak.
  4. Lower the weights: Return the weights slowly back to their starting position by extending your arms fully.
  5. Repeat this action until you reach your repetition goal.

Pro tip regards the range of motion:

A majority of individuals hold the belief that maintaining muscular tension by performing only 80% is enough. That said, practicing the complete range of motion is essential for eliminating any weaknesses.

Additionally, including a full range of motion movements in your training regimen maximizes muscle breakdown during the eccentric phase and promotes optimal growth.

Most Known Lying Cable Curl Variations:

1. Standing High Pulley Cable Curls

To develop wider and stronger biceps with maximum efficiency, try incorporating the high cable curl into your workout routine.

The availability of a cable crossover machine makes it superfluous to neglect the high cable curl and resort to standard bicep exercises.

Read more about this exercise to have a complete understanding of the right form and its variations.

2. Rope Cable Curl

Your arm muscles can be strengthened significantly by performing this curl variation regularly.

The rope hammer curl targets the brachialis and brachioradialis as an effective isolation workout. Furthermore, it is fantastic for building substantial biceps and forearms.

The biceps curl and the neutral hammer curl are quite similar except for the dissimilarity in hand position.

3. Floor Bicep Cable Curl 

Both bicep heads are effectively targeted by this exercise.

Three sets of 10–12 reps with moderate weight before starting can allow you to warm up your muscles. This will help prime your body for the forthcoming workout. Limit your rest period between sets to just 60 seconds.

If you wish to use it as a finishing move, complete three sets of 10 reps with only a 30-second break between each. To further intensify it, complete isolation holds for 10 seconds at the conclusion of each set.

People Also Ask

What muscles does lying bicep curl work?

The lying bicep curl focuses on working the long and short head of the biceps brachii muscles. Also, it activates the brachialis muscle present underneath the biceps and supports flexion of the elbow.

How many times should I do Lying Cable Curl?

The number of sets and reps you execute for Lying Cable Curl will be contingent on your fitness level and objectives. Aim for 3–4 sets of 8–12 repetitions typically.

Is doing a lying bicep cable curl good?

Yes, you can effectively isolate and activate your bicep muscles by lying flat on the ground or on a bench and curling the cable towards your body.

To get more out of your arm day workout, consider swapping traditional bicep curls for the lying cable curl which offers a better range of motion and targets the muscle group effectively. 

Is lying cable curl better than traditional bicep curls?

By doing Lying Cable Curls, you are modifying traditional bicep curls to specifically isolate your biceps. Yet, it is not inevitably better than classic bicep curls and can be applied in tandem with them for a balanced fitness routine.


The lying cable curl is great for targeting the biceps. Besides, it engages different arm muscles for overall progress.

Including this exercise in your bicep workout routine and abiding by the recommended tips and guidelines will ensure that you are performing it correctly and reaping its many benefits.

Hassane Sghir
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